Poll on Interracial Marriages

The headline read, "Poll on interracial marriage stuns some." Stennis Institute Director Dr. Marty Wiseman said, "That's the damnedest thing I've ever heard." Here is what the daily newspaper article said:

According to Public Policy Polling, 46 percent of Mississippi Republicans said marriages across racial lines should be illegal, compared to 40 percent who believe it should be legal. Fourteen percent were not sure.

Here is what the Public Policy Polling press release said:

46% of these hardcore Republican voters believe interracial marriage should be illegal,
while 40% think it should be legal. (emphasis added)

That is not a whole lot of difference to quarrel with, but it does aid in explaining what many consider are rather bizarre results. On the other hand, it leaves no doubt that "conservative and strongly conservative" Mississippi Republicans have a strong view on interracial marriages. Dr. Wiseman also wondered whether these poll results were from 2011 or 1961. I also wondered that.

Sometimes it is useful to go behind the headlines, and check out the poll itself. Fortunately, it is posted online at:


Be sure to check out pages two and three of the poll where the questions can be found.

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