
Showing posts from 2015


September 2015 You’re sitting at your desk one day, basking in the glory of your company being named one of the “Best Places to Work in Mississippi” by the Mississippi Business Journal. Your pride is still swelling as the phone rings. The caller identifies himself and asks if you would be willing to come to his civic club in two weeks and tell how your company achieved such an honor. Your heart races all of a sudden because you have never made a speech to a civic club or any public group for that matter. The mere thought of it causes a brief panic. What would you do? The first thing to do quickly consider your alternatives. You could say no, but that would not shed a favorable light on you and your company. You could say that you are busy and that you would be able to come at a later date. That would give you time to rehearse and learn more about public speaking. You could send someone else in the company, but your company is small and there is no one else. Besides, it was your p