Religion and Politics

They don't mix, you say?

Consider Article 6, section 8 of the North Carolina Constitution which reads, “The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

Six other states - Arkansas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas - have clauses in their Constitutions requiring that officeholders, according to an article in the Asheville Citizen-Times. The article discusses the case of a person recently elected to the City Council in that city. He chose to affirm, rather than swear, his oath of office. Cecil Bouthwell has received plenty of national attention, especially from bloggers who say that atheists should not be allowed to hold office.

Now for the pop quiz. What is the wording the the oath of office for members of the legislature as stated by the Mississippi Constitution?

Scroll down for answer -----

Members of the legislature, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall take the following oath: "I, ----, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Mississippi; that I am not disqualified from holding office by the Constitution of this state; that I will faithfully discharge my duties as a legislator; that I will, as soon as practicable hereafter, carefully read (or have read to me) the Constitution of this state, and will endeavor to note, and as a legislator to execute, all the requirements thereof imposed on the legislature; and I will not vote for any measure or person because of a promise of any other member of this legislature to vote for any measure or person, or as a means of influencing him or them so to do. So help me God."

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