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Rent the House of Representatives

Rent the House of Representatives? The one in Washington? The state Capitol? Well, not exactly. However, your organization can rent the House of Representatives Chamber at the Old Capitol Museum in Jackson, Mississippi. Also available for rent are the Chancery Court and the William Nichols Room at the facility.

As one who has attended a number of events there I can tell you with confidence that there is an aura there like no other meeting facility. The House of Representatives Chamber is exquisite. One can only imagine what it was like there when the Married Women’s Property Act was debated in 1839, or when representatives decided to secede from the Union in 1861, or when the 1868 and 1890 state constitutions were argued and drafted.

Cost to rent the facilities are nominal, beginning at $200 for four-hour daytime use of the House Chamber, $150 for the Chancery Court and $100 for the William Nichols Room. Costs are subject to change, and include additional fees for equipment, etc. Interestingly (and appropriately in this scribe’s opinion), “…no use of the building may be made by political candidates or political parties in support of a candidate or slate of candidates except presidential and vice‐presidential nominees of nationally recognized parties eligible for federal funding.”

A tip of the hat to the Mississippi Department of Archives and History for allowing organizations to use the most historic building in Mississippi for meetings.

Click on the Old Capitol Museum main Web site, and then Facility Use for complete information.

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